Organization name
Iluminadas Performing Arts School Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
1011 Lincoln AveSt Paul, MN 55105
The mission of Iluminadas Performing Arts School and Educational Services Inc is to be a catalyst that brings communities together to collaborate, experience, and create community and educational programming. These collaborations collectively engage and enrich the diverse Twin Cities communities. All programs are inclusive of the deaf community.
Give Mn 2023
Thanksgiving Baskets for Families in Need with outreach to the Deaf Community
Iluminadas Performing Arts School and Educational Service Inc together with community members in St Paul will give out Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need including the deaf community. Thanksgiving Baskets will be given out Tuesday November 21st from 1 pm until 4 pm. With your help we are hoping to serve 1,000 individuals.
Here is the sample
Thanksgiving Baskets serving 8-10 people .
White Potatoes
can of corn
can of beans
10-12 pound turkey
dinner rolls
Since 1996 Iluminadas Performing Arts has done extensive outreach and programming in the deaf community as part of the Sweet Honey In The Rock Project in the Twin Cities. Grassroots outreach together with workshops, residencies and community welcomes for the deaf and CODA community were at the core of Iluminadas Performing Arts programming from1995 though 2009.
Sweet Honey’s sign language interpreter Shirley Childress Saxton served as a guiding light for Iluminadas' programs for the deaf community.
Iluminadas Performing Arts continues to engage communities on a grassroots level- bringing community together for families in need inclusive of the deaf community.
Iluminadas projects have included :
1.) "Voices of Women Who Have Made a Difference"
2.) Music on the Seventh Street Plaza,
3.) The Sweet Honey In The Rock Project
4.) The Power of Song /Artistic Production for deaf and hard of hearing youth
5.) Iluminadas also worked in collaboration with "Tween Town" Rock and Roll Camp for Girls 10-14
6.) Current Community Outreach Programs inclusive of the deaf community for families in need include:
A.) Urban Gardening workshop for Families and Children.
B.) School Supplies for students in need
C.) Thanksgiving Baskets for families in need
D.) Christmas with Santa for families in need
Please consider a tax deductible donation to Iluminadas Performing Arts at this time.
We appreciate your support.
Organization name
Iluminadas Performing Arts School Inc
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
LGBTQ+ Serving
1011 Lincoln Ave