Humans of Minneapolis

A nonprofit organization

12 donors

Mission: Humans of Minneapolis (“HOM”) connects hearts & minds with storytelling to encourage empathy and build community

We share first-person narratives to inspire change on an individual level by expanding the viewer’s understanding of how different people navigate the ups and downs of life. Our goal is a culture in Minneapolis (and beyond) that is more compassionate, open-minded, and inclusive.

There are three branches to our work: 

Community engagement: We share diverse personal narratives that build bridges of understanding. 

Collaboration: We develop partnerships that harness complementary strengths. 

Events: We do talks, teach workshops, and create social spaces that foster meaningful connections.

HOM’s core values include the following: 

Connection: We understand the transformative potential of individual human interactions. 

Unity: We believe the things we have in common are more powerful than the things that divide us. 

Diversity: We appreciate that we all have unique perspectives and consider our differences to be assets. 

Humans of Minneapolis is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 100% of every donation supports our mission. We appreciate your support!

Organization Data


Organization name

Humans of Minneapolis

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Community


PO BOX 580502