44-44-44 Celebrating 44 years of Service!
$5,345 Raised
Something is very special about Hope House. Ninety-seven percent of participants live in stable housing, eighty-seven percent are hospital-free, and seventy-seven percent have no problem with drugs or alcohol. There have been no suicides for many years. Members of Hope House are increasingly community members -more than 74% report positive family support and 72% have friends outside of Hope House connections. Thirty-seven percent are employed, in school, volunteering, or raising children. Through learning mental health skills, and being supported as active participants, members of Hope House build a social and mental health foundation to avoid repeated and expensive hospitalizations. In addition, Hope House assists families of people with mental illness via outreach, phone contact, support, and education.
Hope House does this work for less than $12/day/member (client). If you wish to make a wise investment, feel good about the impact of your donations, and make a difference in the community, please join us!
Organization name
Hope House, Bemidji
Tax id (EIN)
Health , Community
PO BOX 1097