Honor The Earth

A nonprofit organization

235 donors

Give to the Max: Support Honor the Earth's Work Across the 1855 Treaty Area and Beyond!

This year Honor the Earth celebrates its 29th anniversary as a national Indigenous-led environmental organization. Honor’s mission is to create awareness and support for Native environmental issues and to develop needed financial and political resources for the survival of sustainable Native communities. Honor the Earth develops these resources by using music, the arts, the media, grassroots organizing, and Indigenous wisdom to ask people to recognize our joint dependency on the Earth and be a voice for those not heard. Our major campaigns can be broken down into three categories:

Defending Our Homelands: Honor is deeply engaged in environmental justice campaigns in and around the 1855 Treaty Territory where the organization is based. This includes protecting our land from the announced Huber Frontier Project, and the proposed Tamarack Mine in the Mississippi watershed that threaten the Anishinaabe way of life and the building the Shell River Alliance, which brings community members and youth together in events, community building, and advocacy work to support Land Back efforts in the region, restoring Indigenous stewardship of the lands.

No Fossil Fuels in the Great Lakes: Honor the Earth, alongside our tribal and non-Indigenous partners, are involved in the ongoing opposition to fossil fuels infrastructure programs across the Great Lakes Region, including Enbridge Energy Corporation’s Line 3 and Line 5,  the retiring of the Husky Refinery, and defending water protectors. These projects threaten the environment and the people. Honor has been on the frontline of pipeline battles for years, engaging in litigation, supporting frontline water protectors on the ground and coordinating legal support, as well as media work and pipeline monitoring. This work includes raising awareness nationally and participating in allied campaigns to move from fossil fuels to a livable economy. 

Just Transition: Honor’s Just Transition program includes partnerships with local sister organizations: Akiing, 8th Fire Solar, and Anishinaabe Agriculture Institute. This work builds on our decades of connecting with our local community to empower them through vocational training in solar thermal installations for the new green economy and to transition our region away from fossil fuels to more environmentally friendly options. By training community members in renewables, the organization is building skills that will give them the skills to usher in a just transition for our children. Beyond this, Honor’s regranting program supports Indigenous organizations across the country advocating for and building this living  future.

We hope that Minnesota citizens will look to the future along with us and help fund our efforts to create seven generations of prosperity for our children. We are a 501.3.c non-profit organization dedicated to community involvement in defending the sacred.

   Chi miigwech to Algin Goodsky for sharing this #StopLine3 song! Learn more about the pipeline we are fighting at StopLine3.org

Organization Data


Organization name

Honor The Earth

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture Environment Economic Development


PO Box 1531
Lame Deer, MT 59043


218 270 4046

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