Hero Now Theatre Inc

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$0 Goal

Affective. Effective. Theatre.

Thank you for supporting us during this challenging time for the performing arts! We continue to watch developments in our state and hope that conditions will soon be right for us to return to producing great theater. 

We remain committed to our vision of bringing you theater that has a civic purpose, inspiring you with stories about heroes facing remarkable challenges, favoring nontraditional performance venues, and holding conversations that explore issues raised by our productions.

We are coming close to finishing an original script based on an Icelandic saga. The play goes back to the Viking age and looks at one woman's journey through a life foretold by prophecies as her homeland undergoes social and religious change: a tale from medieval times with relevance to our own.

The past is prologue to our future. If you believe that Hero Now's trademark--emotional engagement, intellectual stimulation, and artistic innovation--deserves a place in our world, please donate today!

Organization Data


Organization name

Hero Now Theatre Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Arts & Culture


3208 Townview Ave NE
Saint Anthony, MN 55418


612 470 8015

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