Organization name
Heartland Democracy Center
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
PO Box 19458Minneapolis, MN 55419
We live in a time of polarized and paralyzed politics. Issues are distorted for political gain. Regular citizens feel cut out of governance. Heartland Democracy believes that broad, deep engagement on the part of citizens from all walks of life and various perspectives is critical to successfully attacking and solving our common problems.
In the past year, Heartland Democracy has evolved in fundamental ways: from a small Minnesota nonprofit working quietly to connect young people to their communities and their future goals….to a small Minnesota nonprofit working under a national and international spotlight to connect young people to their communities and their future goals.
As you know, Heartland Democracy has worked in the past with such local organizations as 180 Degrees, Twin Cities Rise!, and CommonBond Communities. Recently, and due to widespread demand for our Empowering U curriculum, we have focused our efforts on finding support for new programs to engage wider communities of students in Minnesota. We have received national and international attention for our methods in approaching work with the most disengaged youth in our communities. (In case you missed it, here is a Star Tribune article from last spring on this aspect of Heartland’s work. More press is available on our new website
We are so very excited about our new plans and growth, and we want you to be involved!
Empowering U, and the methodology that supports it, is being recognized as an invaluable engagement, connection, and crime prevention tool—by parents, educators, researchers, and law enforcement officials alike. We are leveraging our current momentum and support to engage greater numbers of young people from all backgrounds, reaching them where they are: in school, at community centers, within already existing programs. We have developed new and amazing partnerships, both locally and on a national stage, and we have several events planned for 2016, to bring new energy and commitment to improving the futures of our young Minnesotans—literally, the future of our state.
We know we can help address many of the current questions and frustrations voiced by young people in our communities: What does the future hold for me? What institutions work for me? How do I connect with my teachers, my peers, my parents? Who will help me identify my goals and how to achieve them? What is holding me back?
Please support us in our work by contacting us, staying engaged, and donating whatever you can toward our efforts.
Organization name
Heartland Democracy Center
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family , Community
PO Box 19458