Health Directed Riding Inc.

A nonprofit organization

8 donors

a non-profit organization that provides therapeutic horseback riding and other equine related activities to persons with disabilities.

We are located in the Cambridge area where we have been since the program began over fifteen years ago.   Therapeutic horseback riding activities uses the horse’s natural gait to provide input to the rider while helping to strengthen muscles and effect  balance and stability.  It also provides our riders an opportunity to participate in an activity that builds self-esteem, confidence, and builds relationships with other riders, volunteers and their horse. Therapeutic horseback riding activities also provides a lot of sensory input through the movement, smells, touch and yes sometimes even taste.   We depend on the income of the fund-raising events we hold throughout the year, as well as the generous donations from groups and individuals in the community to provide us with the funds necessary to keep going from year to year while maintaining a standard of excellence to ensure the safety and well being of our riders and volunteers.  Health Directed Riding is run solely by a group of volunteers, from our Board of Directors to our Barn Manager, Our Instructor to our Side walkers each one just as vital as the other and always room for more.

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Organization Data


Organization name

Health Directed Riding Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Animals Children & Family Volunteer


PO Box 335
Grandy, MN 55029



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