Hand in Hand

A nonprofit organization

5 donors

Every Child Deserves a Family!

A Mission for Children and Families

Hand In Hand has been helping people find their way to children who are desperately in need of parents for the last 39 years. We have placed more than 9,000 children in loving homes throughout the United States. Hand In Hand is a Christian-based, non-denominational adoption agency, Hague-accredited and licensed to place children throughout the United States. We have programs in China, the Philippines, Haiti, a new program in Bulgaria, and a summer hosting program for orphans in the Philippines.

Adoption Guidance

Hand In Hand is committed to supporting families from the first inquiry call until their adoptive child has become a healthy adult and beyond. Families are given thorough training about the adoption process and the physical and emotional needs of the children. We play the role of the expert on behalf of the families throughout the process, smoothing the mountains of bureaucratic paper into easy to follow avenues through Immigration and federal and foreign governments.

On-going Family Support

Hand In Hand also supplies ongoing support to families through support groups, cultural training sessions, newsletters, annual agency picnics and holiday parties. Motherland tours are taken with teenaged adoptees who desire to return to their homeland to explore their roots. As the young people testify, these are very rewarding and life-changing trips.

Commitment to the Children Still Waiting

As we work to bring these children into loving families, we are very mindful of the needs of the children still waiting, especially older children who are on the verge of aging out, children with medical needs, and children waiting in orphanages that rely on outside funding.

One of the projects close to our hearts is assisting the Haitian orphanages dealing with the on-going effects of the 2010 earthquake.  We are committed to providing humanitarian efforts to support orphans, to supporting families in the adoption process, and to providing post-adoption support to families. 

Learn More About Hand In Hand

To learn more about Hand In Hand, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, visit www.HandInHandInternationalAdoptions.org.  To learn more about the currently waiting children whom we advocate for, visit our advocacy blog: www.KidsWait.org.  Contact Hand In Hand at minnesota@hihiadopt.org.


Organization Data


Organization name

Hand in Hand

Tax id (EIN)





9520 SW 9TH TER
OCALA, FL 34476