Grey Face Rescue

A nonprofit organization

$13,768 raised

39% complete

$35,000 Goal

We hope you consider Grey Face Rescue to be one of the organizations you contribute to on Minnesota's biggest day of giving! 

Our goal for 2023 is $35,000!

Grey Face Rescue & Retirement mission is not only to save the lives of those senior pets, but also to change the way people view and treat older animals and to let senior pets enjoy the twilight of their lives though rescue, foster, adoption, and hospice.

As many know, fundraising is crucial to Grey Face Rescue so we can continue to care for the senior dogs in our care. We take pride in accepting any and all senior into our rescue, no matter the need, and we can do this because of our army who continue to volunteer, foster, adopt, and donate and the help of our community. Give to the Max Day is our largest fundraiser of the year and the funds raised go directly to the care of our senior animals.

It truly takes a village to save the amount of senior dogs that we have to date and it’s because of you, our supporters, that we can continue to say YES to senior animals in need. Thank you so much for your continued commitment to our organization and I hope you get involved in Minnesota’s largest day of giving!

You’re the best,

Bethie Gondek
Director & Founder of Grey Face Rescue


Grey Face Rescue & Retirement focuses on animals age 7 and older. We accept all seniors into our rescue and hospice care. We don't discriminate against specific breeds, medical conditions, behaviors or history – we believe all seniors deserve a second chance. Our volunteers work tirelessly to match each of our seniors with a specific foster for their continued care. We also seek special and educated adopters to give our seniors their forever homes. 


Grey Face Rescue strives to educate and strengthen the bond between families and pets to avert the need for rescue in later years. If rescue is needed, we provide exceptional care to ensure all animals are respected and valued and that they live with comfort and dignity through foster, hospice, and adoption programs.

Simon & Finny

They have 200 days, maybe, left here on earth.

"One retrospective study reported median time to tumor progression and overall survival time (OST) of 116 and 172 days, respectively; 25% of dogs survived to 1 year."

Seamus & Finnegan are 8-year-old Boxer Mix brothers that do everything together, even get heartworm and terminal cancer together. Now we're determined to find them their final home... together

Seamus has Hemangiosarcoma and unfortunately, heartworm positive.Finnegan has Squamous cell carcinoma and is also heartworm positive.

These two come tomorrow and we made them a promise that we will make these next 200 days the best they've had. We promised to bring them on adventures, show them loves, attention and affection. We promised to show them what it's like to have a family.

Update on Simon and Finny from their foster on 10/31, "They are doing awesome!! Their personalities have come out. Finny loves to steal my tennis shoes or slippers and bring them to bed with him. Simon loves to steal balls of yarn. He is very good at it!  They know when they see deer, they bark once then run into the kitchen for a treat. 😄. They are absolute joys and we love them completely!!"


He isn't a hundred years old, not even in dog years. But neglect will age a fella. His back legs are weak and wobbly, his eyes are cloudy and his hearing is selective at best....or maybe that's his still-fine old nose telling him the cookie jar is opening!

He can't do stairs very well anymore and may need some help getting up after a long nap. But he can love like only an old dog can love, with the innocence of a puppy and the knowing of dog who has lived through much and knows the gift that love is - in Owen's case double especially, having for sometime been denied it.

Thanks to your support, Owen was sprung from a South Carolina shelter this morning. He won't die there. He won't sleep on a hard floor tonight.

Because of our supporters, we are able to give dogs like Owen a second chance. Those who are first to be euthanized in shelters. 

This is Owen with his new mom, who doesn't see his flaws, only the love he can give until his last day!

Organization Data


Organization name

Grey Face Rescue

Tax id (EIN)





P.O. Box 7072