Great MN Schools

A nonprofit organization

$1,100 raised by 3 donors

22% complete

$5,000 Goal

Great Schools for All Kids

We believe that high-quality schools are the cornerstone of a just and thriving community. But access to great schools is limited for too many students.

Today, only 7% of Minneapolis children benefit from a high performing school.

Our goal is to triple the number of Minneapolis students attending excellent and equitable schools.

How? Alongside schools, families, and community, we're creating a critical mass of great schools, families that demand them and systems that support them.

Investing in the success of high potential schools

We work alongside a school's leadership team to create and implement customized improvement plans that reflects the communities needs.

Supporting Parent Demand
We create tools that help caregivers navigate K-12 systems and ensure their children's needs are met.

Elevating what's possible
We engage community members and leaders to advance effective solutions surrounding the importance of education.

With your help, we will work with schools and families to provide students with an education that puts them on track to living their dreams. Every gift matters, and it is our collective power that brings us closer to the day that all Minneapolis children benefit from a great school preparing them to thrive in their lives, careers, and community

Organization Data


Organization name

Great MN Schools

Tax id (EIN)




BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


729 N. Washington Avenue, Suite 600 Suite 600
Minneapolis, MN 55401



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