Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation Inc

A nonprofit organization

$10 raised by 1 donor

You can help our neighbors get back to work (every gift will be matched!!)

  • Supporters like you make it possible for GESMN to serve over 5,000 people in our community every year who deserve equitable access to jobs and stable careers. Our participants help to build a thriving Minnesota!
  • Despite the state’s record low unemployment rate, income inequality and wage gaps in our community are among the highest in the U.S. With your partnership, workforce services at GESMN help narrow the gap for job applicants who are often underrepresented and help them build strong careers that lead to family-sustaining wages. 
  • Thanks to generosity from people like you, last year GESMN provided nearly 2,400 resources to meet participant needs for transportation, food, clothing, work tools, furniture, childcare and other necessities.

There’s an incredible opportunity today for you to double your impact. We are excited to share that we have a matching grant from a generous donor! Your gift today will be matched dollar for dollar!

Give today and your gift will be DOUBLED! You can help one more person thrive in a new career.

  • $40 helps provide professional clothing
  • $65 purchases a pair of work boots 
  • $100 covers a bus card for a participant to get to their first month of work
  • $250 provides a refurbished laptop to connect jobseekers with technology
  • $1,500 purchases the supplies and material for construction shop training    

Organization Data


Organization name

Goodwill-Easter Seals Foundation Inc

Tax id (EIN)



553 Fairview Ave N
Saint Paul, MN 55104-1708

