Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Inc

A nonprofit organization

623 donors

Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

The Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts serves more than 41,000 girls and 18,000 adult volunteers in 178 Communities. Working in partnership with a team of committed adult volunteers, the Girl Scout Leadership experience is available to girls thorugh troops and interest groups, in neighborhood and community program facilities, in schools and as part of many after-school programs, and in juvenile detention centers. Girl Scouting provides opportunities and experiences as divese as the girls we serve. While the girls are having fun and making new friends, they are also learning. Age-appropriate lessons on health and wellness, financial literacy, peer pressure and self esteem are all common thems in Girl Scouting. Out outdoor programs help nurture a love of the environment and encourages girl to learn about and preserve the world around them. 

Organization Data


Organization name

Girl Scouts of Eastern Massachusetts Inc

Tax id (EIN)



BOSTON, MA 02116