Genesys Works Twin Cities

A nonprofit organization

$26,937 raised

77% complete

$35,000 Goal

Give to the Max Day and Genesys Works Twin Cities are both celebrating 15 years of impact! Will you help celebrate with a gift today?

Our mission is to provide pathways to career success for high school students in underserved communities through skills training, meaningful work experiences, and impactful relationships. Our vision is a future where all young adults are equipped and empowered with the knowledge and skills required to achieve career success, upward mobility, and a lifetime of economic self-sufficiency.

How do we advance our mission and work toward our vision? Genesys Works' program pipeline is multifaceted and comprehensive. Our program activities focus on workforce development, youth development, college and career readiness, and post-secondary success. As high school juniors, students undergo an application and interview process to be selected to join our skills training the summer before their senior year.

Our program:

Summer Training: Six-week training that covers professional and technical skill instruction and prepares for workplace environments. Curriculum includes Microsoft Office Suite, project management, public speaking, and self-advocacy. 

Internship: Students who complete training are paired with an internship at a corporate partner including Best Buy, Huntington, Medtronic, and Target. They receive They work 15-20 hours per week during their senior year of high school in roles such as data analytics, IT support, project management, and more.

College and Career Connections: We support Minnesota’s high school graduation requirement of having an Individualized Learning Plan by supporting students in the exploration, development, and execution of their post-secondary success plan through one-on-one advising, conferences, workshops, and other resources during their internship year.

Alumni Support: We are committed to supporting all post-secondary pathways to career success, including entering the military, a credential program, or the workforce immediately. Our alumni services include professional development, networking, year-long paid internships with our corporate partners, alumni reunions, and career fairs.

Throughout their internship journey, each participant frequently meets with their Genesys Works program coordinator and their internship supervisor. Because of the longevity and high dosage of our program, our students gain trusted allies and coaches.

For this year’s Give to the Max, we have a big goal of raising $35,000! We hope you'll join us by investing in providing early career opportunities that build strong foundations to success. Thank you for your consideration.

Organization Data


Organization name

Genesys Works Twin Cities

Tax id (EIN)




BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


445 Minnesota Street Suite 720
Saint Paul, MN 55101-2131



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