Organization name
Friends of Diamond Lake
Tax id (EIN)
358 Roslyn PlaceMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419
Friends of Diamond Lake is a citizen-led organization dedicated to restoring, protecting and improving the natural resources of Diamond Lake and its watershed. Founded by a group of neighbors in early 2008, it is led by residents from the neighborhoods in the Diamond Lake area in South Minneapolis.
Our signature events include a fall invasive species bust clearing the shoreline of buckthorn, grapevine and other invasives; a spring on the water lake clean up clearing garbage from the lake and shoreline; and an annual frog training. We educate and connect with community through our newsletter and attendance at events like Picnic in the Park.
We partner with the Minneapolis Park Board and other community organizations to improve the health of Diamond Lake. And we advocate for the health of Diamond Lake with local public officials.
Organization name
Friends of Diamond Lake
Tax id (EIN)
358 Roslyn Place