Feeding Every Baby Inc

A nonprofit organization

$1,928 raised by 11 donors

39% complete

$5,000 Goal

We are a 501(c)3 that helps families in need of feeding and diapering essentials.  We give breastfeeding supplies, formula, diapers and wipes to all children that need them. 

Meet the Director! 

Hi everyone! My name is Stacey and I am the Director of the Feeding Every Baby Inc. I’m just your local, hard working, down-to-earth, momma of a 8 year old daughter and a 4 year old son born on Christmas eve. I am a School Bus Driver, and in my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, playing fishdom and binge-watching Netflix

I started Feeding Every Baby right around 8 years ago because “I get it”. We suffered eight awful miscarriages, So when we had Violet everything was new, I had everything to breastfeed. Formula wasn't even an option, I didn't buy any, I didn't sign up for formula. I was going to breastfeed. Well, Violet never latched. I had called lactation consultants, had her checked for lip and tongue tie, when everything didn't work. I exclusively pumped and we made it 2 months. I returned to work and our breastfeeding journey ended. I knew nothing of formula, no one told me it would take up to 4 different kinds to find one brand that agreed with our daughter. In that time, we (my husband and I) quickly learned that WIC is a supplemental program and doesn’t cover all the formula needs of littles. I used to drive all over collecting freebie formula because we couldn’t afford to buy it. I would take all the free formula I could find on Facebook, take what I needed and trade the rest. Then I found parents that needed what I had and didn't have trade so I would collect for them too.

Now we have a functioning shelf out of donated space, a name, and a fancy Director title. We have built many relationships with people that I have helped and people that helped me. We help on average 65 families a month. We have Nonprofit status with the IRS. We do not have a fancy building, or get paid. We are just some mom's helping each other out. We are strictly donation based, and volunteer ran. My hope is, eventually, that no one has to do what I had to do to provide for little ones. My dream is to have formula shelves all over so that no one has to wonder where their baby’s next meal is coming from. Diaper shelves exist, food shelves exist, formula shelves should too! ❤️

Organization Data


Organization name

Feeding Every Baby Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Humanitarian Aid

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving

LGBTQ+ Serving
