Organization name
Falls Education Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
PO BOX 933INTL FALLS, MN 56649-0933
International Falls Education Fund, Inc (FEF) is a nonprofit tax exempt corporation established in 1992. Falls Education Foundation believes students are entitled to the best education we can provide them. A board of directors representing a broad spectrum of the community oversees its efforts.
The goal of FEF is to improve the quality of education at Independent School District #361 by providing a channel through which financial donations can be directed to support academic and co & ex curricular programs in elementary and secondary schools. Though changes have taken place, because of the support of alumni and community residents, many aspects of education remain just as we remember them. FEF helps meet the immediate financial shortfalls and provide for a permanent endowment. Gifts received today benefit youth now and into the future!
Our purpose is to provide valuable learning aids and necessary equipment for activities offered and no longer affordable by our district. When filling out the donation form you may choose what you wish your donation to support. Falls Education Foundation supports academics, co & ex curricular programs and provides funding to produce the FHS Alumni newsletter, keeping alum connected.
Generous donations have made a difference, however, requests for funding consistently surpasses resources.
We invite you to invest in School District #361 youth by donating a 100% tax-deductible contribution to Falls Education Foundation. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this financial donation.
Organization name
Falls Education Foundation
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
PO BOX 933