Falcon Ridge Middle School

Public School

0% complete

$7,000 Goal

Welcome to our FALCON SOAR-A-THON helping our students RISE TO THEIR FULL POTENTIAL!

This campaign is set up to help fund a variety of Wishes/Needs that our FRMS staff has identified.  The goal is for each student to raise $25 through donations by family and friends, but any contribution is appreciated. 

Every dollar donated will go directly to FRMS!

Thank you for supporting our fourth annual FALCON SOAR-A-THON!

Wish List 2024-25

Book collections (paper, electronic, audio):  We are a culture of readers at FRMS!  We are always in need of high interest books in multiple languages.

Band: A SM-58 Microphone. Our band department uses this microphone for every live performance in Band at Falcon Ridge. 

Activity Scholarship Funds:  FRMS wants to ensure all students have equal opportunity to attend field trips and participate in activities without financial burden, and your support of the activity scholarship fund will help make this happen!

Advisory/WIN/Clubs:  Many of our clubs and WIN (What I Need) sessions are of high interest to students and require some supplies. From crafting supplies to gardening supplies we could use funds to support our creative geniuses!

Athletic Department:  Our Athletic department would like to have a supply of heart rate monitors to use during fitness testing for our students. They are also looking to update fitness room equipment such as cardio machines, elliptical, and weights.

Athletic Jerseys:  FRMS Athletic Department needs updated team jerseys for our sports teams. 

Math Department: Math manipulatives such as unit cubes, tangrams, measuring tapes, etc. which will help students become more successful in understanding math.

Student Wellness and Mental Health Support: Our Mental Health Team continuers to support wellness through our calming room and other materials.  We are always looking for ways  to update. i

FRMS Sunshine Activities: Celebrating our community is important to our culture and climate.  Financial support for staff appreciation events honoring designated weeks of appreciation is needed including support for staff wellness activities.

The Falcon Way: Our positive school climate is based on following the Falcon Way. Students are recognized for positive behavior through our Falcon Way ticket program. We need support for small rewards that  students receive by earning tickets and having their name drawn in a weekly drawing.

Inclusion at FRMS: FRMS is committed to making our school inclusive and a place where everyone belongs. We want our building to feel welcoming in classrooms and in common areas.  A student driven project made up of art and pictures that represent our communities and honors the indigenous history of the land on which our building stands is a project we’d like to support.  We need frames, supplies, and funds to hire community experts to help us with this project.

Nurses Office: We often have students that need additional support in the form of food, clothing (socks, underwear) and other wellness items.

Science: The science department is always looking for ways to open our students' eyes to the amazing world around us! Our microscopes have seen better years, and we would love to replace broken and worn out microscopes with newer models. 

Fish Tank:  If you visit our office you will see our famous fish tank.  It is a hit with our whole community! Our wish list supports supplies, maintenance and the cost of new fish friends!

Giving Activity

Organization Data


Organization name

Falcon Ridge Middle School

NCES ID Number





12900 Johnny Cake Ridge Road
Apple Valley, MN 55124