
A nonprofit organization

$1,250 raised

6% complete

$20,000 Goal

Supporting Minneapolis schools and closing the education gap through professional development for teachers & support staff.

Success starts in the classroom, and to get there I need your help.

Our schools are struggling. Our schools are struggling. I see it every day in the hard working, sometimes burnt out teachers and in students who aren't engaged. Students like Anne.

Anne was a quiet and introspective fifth grade student. She struggled at school, but no matter how hard her teacher tried Anne wouldn’t ask questions or talk in class. Her journey started with a simple act: every student had to write something of interest to them on the board. Anne wrote about a concert she had gone to with her mother, and I asked her to share her experience. I asked questions and showed an honest interest. I watched as Anne grew more comfortable in the classroom and began to open up.

In the bustle of growing class sizes, increasingly diverse students with different needs and challenges, and limited funding, how can educators close the education gap? There's an urgent need for seminars and workshops around these concepts for teachers, and Education2Aspire can provide that.

Anne is just one story, but it’s an all too common one. The need for methods that empower students to take ownership of their learning is at an all-time high. Education2Aspire trains teachers to cultivate strategies that allow the intrinsic desires of the students—not the external forces of the school system—to drive students education through self-actualization. 

Your gift of $100 covers the cost of one teacher to attend the workshop free of charge and receive the Education2Aspire book.

You can give kids like Anne an opportunity to find their voice and start changing their story. Because Anne felt more comfortable in the classroom, she started to ask questions about her other homework. She started to succeed.

Every voice matters in our effort to close the education gap. On Give to the Max Day, every donation is doubled thanks to a $1400 match given by a generous anonymous donor.

With your help, we will ensure children in the Twin Cities thrive.


David Jones

Founder and CEO of Education2Aspire

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7540 Edinborough Way Suite 1107
Minneapolis, MN 55435