Organization name
Copper Street Brass
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture, Education
511 Groveland AveMinneapolis, MN 55403
Greetings from Copper Street Brass!
If you’re been following us for a while now you know what season it is…no it isn’t fall (and not yet winter, don’t worry! 🥶 )…it’s Give to the Max Season! Every year we partner with GiveMN in concert with thousands of Minnesota nonprofits to celebrate our work in communities across the country with a day of enthusiastic giving. We’ve been participating in GTTM day for nearly a decade and we’re grateful that our fans have made this season a huge part of what has sustained our work in hundreds of communities for now over 160,000 people!!
Why should you join in on GTTM day on Thursday, November 16th and support Copper Street Brass? Because by helping us reach our goal of $12,000 this season you can:
➡️ Help us continue to serve older adults and those facing dementia with our music. This season we’re presenting over 60 shows to residents in both independent living and memory care facilities as they join with us in community to share the joy of music. Residents simply love CSB visits and they share the memories our music brings back to them with us after every single visit.
➡️ Get CSB back in classrooms after a very long break due to COVID. Because funding for our work in schools disappeared for years during the pandemic we’ve only just been able to apply for our next school residency visits. We’re hoping to be back in the classroom later this spring and next season, and your support helps us continue to find funding to help cash-strapped school music programs pay for our residencies!
Give To The Max gives YOU the power to give more people access to our music, education and outreach programs. On November 16th, YOU can make a financial contribution to CSB and help us further our mission of providing world-class outreach, education, and concert programming across the country.
We’re seeking to raise $12,000 this GTTM Season to fund our educational and outreach programs. You can give securely online at here or if you prefer to mail a check you may do so to the address on our website at
Thank you for your support of Copper Street Brass, and we hope we can count on you to help propel CSB through this season and beyond! We’ve got lots in store for you so stay tuned to our social and our calendar on our website!
Tim Bradley
Artistic Director and horn
Organization name
Copper Street Brass
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture, Education
511 Groveland Ave