Connections to Independence

A nonprofit organization

$61,100 raised

100% complete

$1,000 Goal

C2i provides unique programming and advocacy for foster care youth, 14-25, to promote a successful and healthy transition to living independently.

Connections to Independence is a unique organization with a youth-centered and holistic approach to moving youth on to a thriving adulthood post foster care through a healthy mind, body, and soul philosophy.

C2i's Pillars of Work: 

Independent Living Skills (14 - 18) 

Aftercare Services (18+) 

Circle of Support


C2i has a focus of five core competencies: 

  • Financial Literacy 
  • Housing 
  • Education
  • Employment 
  • Personal Wellness

C2i  2019 Program Outcomes:

  •  92% of our 18+ youth earned a high school diploma or GED
  • 60% completed a post secondary or vocational program
  • 89% of the 15-18 youth are without children

Compared to national statistics:

  • 54% of foster youth earn a high school diploma
  • 2% obtain a post-secondary degree by the time of emancipation
  • 88% with children  

Since the pandemic, the number of C2i youth going on to post secondary has dropped to 20%. We're hopeful that with new legislation for free higher education for fosters going into effect this year, we will see this number approve beyond our previous years.  

C2i attributes these great statistics to genuine relationship development. Providing youth with a genuine, trusting, and nurturing relationship where none has existed before, opens up the world of possibilities for learning. Relationship development coupled with our unique healthy mind, body, and soul programming is the key to our success!

If you'd like to donate directly to C2i - visit 

Organization Data


Organization name

Connections to Independence

Tax id (EIN)



Education Children & Family Community


310 E 38th Street Suite 300


612 354 2437

Social Media