Cats Meow Dogs Bark Rescue

A nonprofit organization

75 donors

13% complete

$50,000 Goal

100% of your gracious donation goes towards the animals!

The Kelvar Edraith Society's; Cats Meow Dogs Bark Rescue was founded over 20+ years ago by a group of dedicated animal welfare and rescue individuals! With a combined 50 years of animal welfare and rescue behind us, we've flourished because of our dedication to quality and not quantity! Our unconditional love brings us to rescue within our means and to give 100% to each and every animal we so selflessly rescue and save each and everyday! We pride ourselves on our adoption successes of 99.9%, for we stride to make sure we find the best possible home for each and every animal we rescue and save! For 4 adventurous years we’ve had, Pounce & Fetch's our adoption house, located at 512 Southview Blvd South St. Paul, MN 55075, we are in the process of doing some upgrading and will reopen for scheduled Meet & Greets very soon, we thank you for your patience and understanding. We graciously thank everyone for their support, as does the many animals we rescue and save each and everyday!

Organization Data


Organization name

Cats Meow Dogs Bark Rescue

Tax id (EIN)



Education Animals


512 Southview Blvd
South St. Paul, MN 55075


651 343 1964

Social Media