Organization name
Civic Caucus
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Science, Tech & Business, Community, Economic Development, Ideas
2801 Hennepin Ave. Box 285Minneapolis, MN 55408
You care deeply about Minnesota and about keeping the fabric of civic life strong and vibrant. You recognize the importance of thoughtful dialogue, of asking good questions and probing deeply for answers.
In today's polarized environment, we need civil discourse more than ever. Yet every day, it seems that shouts and insults, rage and anger only increase. People like you recognize that not only does this growing polarization create an ugly and divisive environment, it's no way to achieve good public policy.
At its heart, the Civic Caucus has always been an oasis of reason, a place for learning and exchange of viewpoints, not just from both sides of the aisle, but from all sides. It’s a place where people can discuss issues honestly, without fear or anger, achieving deeper understanding. Our interviews are rich, civil and very thorough dialogues, transcending partisan differences. We seek to discover root causes, to share our information and learning as widely as possible at no charge, and to assist the community and its leaders in arriving at thoughtful, well-grounded recommendations and informed nonpartisan solutions to important Minnesota policy issues.
"The Civic Caucus is a treasure, one of the few last hot coals from the great fire that was Minnesota public-policy debate and discussion." -David Dillon, executive chairman, MEYERS.
September 2020 marked the 15th anniversary of our first interview. Proving prescient, the topic was polarization and the speaker noted civic thinker and legendary Humphrey School Dean John Brandl. Our founders recognized early on the Internet's potential for positive connection. Our email distribution list has now grown to almost 8,500 civic-minded Minnesotans and 300 media outlets statewide. Detailed notes and summaries of nearly 600 substantive policy interviews and 20 reports can be easily accessed on the Civic Caucus website at
“The Civic Caucus is a ray of hope in Minnesota’s civic landscape. It’s committed to bringing into focus important policy problems facing state and local decision-makers and ideas for solutions to those problems.” – Former U.S. Senator Dave Durenberger.
In a year of uncertainty, the Civic Caucus has adapted our interview process to Zoom and focused on the future of Minnesota in the post-pandemic world, seeking out a wide range of local leaders to examine the consequences of COVID-19 as a disruptive force - bringing attention to the immense challenges and as catalyst for change.
"My Minnesota tax-change proposal became relevant and would never have gotten into that shape without those two Civic Caucus interview sessions. Thank you so much for that!" - John James, former Minnesota Commissioner of Revenue.
Featured on our website, the Civic Caucus Directory of Civic Organizations is an online resource of detailed information including more than 300 civic organizations. We plan to expand, improve, and continually update the directory as a free tool for anyone to use to explore the depth and breadth of civic activity in Minnesota. You can access the directory, along with all Civic Caucus reports and interviews, here or on our website,, completely rebuilt this year to offer easier navigation and exciting new tools to better engage and connect our readers.
“The Civic Caucus’s directory was an excellent resource for me in my nonprofit research. It was so helpful to have a list of civic-minded organizations all in one place!” – Macalester College student Ryan Perez.
The Civic Caucus is a valuable part of Minnesota’s public-policy landscape. Our work could not happen without help from you and others like you who understand the importance and value of exploring issues deeply and thoughtfully—not as advocates or stakeholders, but as informed citizen-generalists and representatives of the community.
We respectfully ask for your help as we strive to serve Minnesota and its people and to keep our civic life strong. THANK YOU for your support and your continued interest in the Civic Caucus!
Join 8,500 other civic-minded readers
To add yourself to the Civic Caucus email list to receive detailed notes and summaries of current interviews, send your name and email address to We do not share our email list with anyone.
Organization name
Civic Caucus
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Science, Tech & Business, Community, Economic Development, Ideas
2801 Hennepin Ave. Box 285