Organization name
Faribault Area Public Schools Educational Trust Association
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
710 17th Street SWFaribault, MN 55021
Over $100,000 in scholarships were awarded to 63 Faribault High School graduating seniors in 2022 because donors cared enough to contribute.
The Faribault Falcon Scholarship Fund is our assumed name which defines our purpose and community.
We have two endowments. The Corey Lyn Creger Memorial Art Scholarship Foundation was founded by her family after Corey’s graduation from Faribault High School and her tragic death in a plane crash. A $2,000 scholarship is awarded to a student selected by the Faribault High School Art Department. The Faribault Falcon Faculty/Marlene Olson Foundation funds two scholarships: $1,000 to a high school graduating senior and $1,000 to a graduating senior from the Faribault Learning Center.
Our Fund is advancing technologically. We will be able to use the criteria we currently collect on paper and also have need based data available on line. We can still restrict entries to our graduating seniors as we do now. And students could apply on line with their data available to all national scholarships, not just ours. Our students are used to on-line communication and research. It is their preferred method.
We are an all-volunteer organization.
Unfortunately, we have the same sad financial story as you. Our income is down, contributions are smaller. Our expenses remain minimal. With the help of your contribution, we can continue with our scholarship programs.
Organization name
Faribault Area Public Schools Educational Trust Association
other names
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Children & Family
710 17th Street SW