Child Reach Uganda

A nonprofit organization

4 donors

Child Reach Uganda, empowers women to be better parents; Helps orphans providing basic needs; and helps schools from preschool to the trades

Child Reach Uganda was formed in 2008 as a way to teach 5th graders at Dayton Elementary School, in Dayton, Minnesota, that acts of kindness can truly make a difference in the lives of others.  Life long connections have been built between Dayton students and children a world away in poverty stricken Uganda. The needs are simple - they need the basics in life! Here in the United States those basic needs are taken for granted.

Our school has helped the villages of Nagabita and Budimo in Southeast Uganda.  We have also helped the villages of Tochi and Coopil in Northern Uganda.

Our projects include: a well, building two libraries, two pharmacies providing free and reduced medicines to villagers, paying tuition for orphans, handing out free bed nets, furnishing school rooms with desks and chairs, beds for the school dorms, repairing water collection tanks, providing teachers and a building for Lumino's preschool, providing lunches for school children, teaching reading& writing to the women, teaching sewing, crocheting & knitting.  

This year's projects  - a well for Nagabita, a village of over 4,000 people rely on getting their water during the rainy season - the water runs off the roof of the school and into a water holding tank. Another way they get water is from a pond - the water from the pond when put in a clear glass looks like root beer.

Medical help is needed for this corner of Uganda. Another project this year is to rent a space for a doctor to use as an office for at least two days a week in the Lumino area.  Medical care is an hour's ride by boda boda to the nearest big town of Busia. At times families use wheelbarrows to get a family member to the doctor, walking that same distance.

These Ugandans are a proud people.  Our goal is to to make them self sufficient by education, they are eager to do things on their own.

Organization Data


Organization name

Child Reach Uganda

Tax id (EIN)



23960 Fillmore Street NE
East Bethel, MN 55055