Reaching College Students for Jesus Christ at UMD
Our staff and interns are not paid by the University of Minnesota Duluth but are self-supported by donors like you. Beyond our staff and intern support, we need to raise an operating budget of about $30k every year to effectively reach students on this campus. Would you consider giving to this operating budget or one of our staff to help them faithfully disciple students here at the University of Minnesota Duluth?
We are a campus ministry that was established in the early 1990s on the campus of the University of Minnesota Duluth. Our mission is to reach the campus with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, disciple tomorrow's leaders to trust God in their personal lives and vocation, and maintain healthy relationships using the bible as our guide. Over the past 20 years this ministry has discipled hundreds of students for Jesus and trained more than 20 interns for ministry in many parts of the world, including the US, Latin America, and Europe. We are a part of Chi Alpha which is a global organization on over 300 campuses in the US and more than 20 countries beyond the US.
Fall Retreat 2017