A nonprofit organization

$3,125 raised by 26 donors

52% complete

$6,000 Goal

Robert* has intellectual and developmental disabilities. He also suffers from seizures. Because he can feel them coming on, if he’s in public, he’ll seclude himself until he feels safe. Sometimes that’s in a business—and he can’t explain what’s happening or why he won’t leave. 

Years ago, he was tazed when he wouldn’t leave a restaurant. It was scary for everyone involved. But it was traumatizing for Robert.

CCRI is a Moorhead-based nonprofit that helps people with disabilities not only navigate daily life but also have experiences—like prom, camp, and game nights—that make life colorful. 

For years, Robert wouldn’t participate in these activities. But last summer he signed up for adaptive softball (so he could win a trophy to show his dad).

He used a tee to hit the ball, ran the bases holding his coach’s hand, and when he made a homerun, he called everyone he could think of to tell them. While Robert did have a seizure during one game, he gave himself medication to stop it, got up, grabbed his coach’s hand, and ran until he crossed home plate. Robert got his trophy to show his dad—and everyone else who said yes when asked if they wanted to see something amazing.

Founded in 1977 by parents who wanted more than institutionalized care for their kids, CCRI serves 400 people, including more than half of those who receive disability services in Moorhead. 

State funding pays for the basics. We fundraise to give folks with disabilities experiences that are worth calling home for. 

Will you help us? Your donation of: 

  • $50 covers art supplies
  • $100 funds adaptive softball equipment.
  • $500 supports prom
  • $1,000 helps keep accessible mental health services going.

Thank you for making life colorful for vulnerable children and adults.

*Name changed for anonymity.

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2903 15th St. S.



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