Organization name
Casa Guadalupana
Tax id (EIN)
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
PO Box 7244ST PAUL, MN 55107
Casa Guadalupana provides safe housing and community connections for individuals and families going through the 3-5 year asylum process. With limited housing and work options during the asylum process, plus working to recover from forced displacement from their home countries, individuals and families face labor exploitation and homelessness.
In Minnesota and the Dakotas there are over 1,500 residents who have demonstrated to an immigration judge that they will be physically harmed or face death if returned to their home country. Current there are nine residents living at Casa from Columbia, Cuba, Kenya, Oman, Rwanda, and Uganda. They have knowledge and expertise in veterinarian medicine, mechanical engineering, cyber security, soil conservation, and construction.
The dollars raised are used to cover the utilities and maintenance of our 7,200 square foot residence, provide transportation options for residents, cover the salary of our house manager, and cover one-time costs when residents are ready to move to their permanent home. Casa provides housing and supports for each individual as their get their lives stabilized and back on track for less than $500 per month.
Quotes from residents:
"It has totally changed my life. Life at Casa has been so amazing that I even get so comfortable and I forget about my home, what I went though and endured to reach America. Another thing I can't forget to acknowledge is the love, care and concern that Casa and its Board members have shown us."
"I knew that if I go back home I will be persecuted for nothing but expressing my political views. I became homeless. Moving to Casa meant that I got a bed to sleep in and my own room to enjoy much needed privacy. Now I have access to a shower and washer/dryer machines, things I took for granted before my homelessness. I am looking forward to the future. I can't say that I was feeling the same 18 months ago."
The residents, staff and Board of Casa Guadalupana thank you in advance for your generosity.
Organization name
Casa Guadalupana
Tax id (EIN)
BIPOC Serving
BIPOC Serving
PO Box 7244