Organization name
Calvary Church
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family , Community
We’re all real people, with real dreams, and real struggles—all touched by God’s amazing grace. We’ve grown from a group of 28 people with a big vision for spreading God’s word, to two campuses of 1,300 today. We are rooted in the Bible and that shapes our core beliefs, and we’re part of a denomination that connects us to a greater community. We have something for every age and stage of life and provide two different service styles for praise and worship on the weekends—traditional and contemporary. We hope you feel welcome at Calvary Church and choose to make it your church home.
Our Mission
Calvary Church exists to honor God by "building relationships, seeing Jesus transform lives".
Our Vision
In John 14:12 Jesus told his disciples, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father”
Over the next five years, we want to become a community with a greater reliance on God, greater missional intentionality, and greater emphasis on making disciples.
Greater Reliance on God
Greater spiritual and numeric growth as we pray, worship together, celebrate and expectantly anticipate the surprising works of God.
Greater Missional Intentionality
Greater gospel transformation as every person at Calvary Church owns ‘each one, reach one,’ and feels a personal call to be missional to those who haven’t trusted in Jesus alone for salvation.
Greater Discipleship
Greater maturity and humility as we journey together on a clear and compelling pathway to equip ‘disciples who are making disciples’ who know, follow, serve and proclaim Jesus.
Head: Knowing God Through His Word
I. Believing the Big Story of the Bible: Knowing the big story of the Bible and one’s role in the story (Luke 24:45-46).
II. Becoming Faithful Interpreters of Scripture: Faithful interpreters of Scripture through inductive Bible study method (2 Tim 2:15).
Heart: Being Conformed into the Image of Christ
III. Being with Jesus: Adopting the rhythms of Bible reading, prayer/confession, fasting, Sabbath, and corporate worship (1 Tim 4:6-16) to deepen relationship with Jesus and others (Gal 5:22-25).
IV. Becoming Like Jesus: Conforming into the image of Jesus by crucifying the flesh and keeping in step with the Spirit by demonstrating love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-25).
Hands: Living Life on Mission
V. Living as Authentic Servants: Serving others in the local church by meeting needs, modeling Christ, and utilizing gifts from the Holy Spirit in all aspects of life and ministry (Phil 2:1-11).
VI. Leading a Life on Mission: Commitment to evangelism, discipleship, living generously, seeking the peace and prosperity of the community, and pursuing justice (Matt 28:18-20).
Organization name
Calvary Church
Tax id (EIN)
Faith , Children & Family , Community