BreathLogic, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$5,030 raised by 37 donors

25% complete

$20,000 Goal

Supporting Ukraine

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, BreathLogic has provided online and in-person trainings and workshops to Ukrainian psychologists and refugees, helping them learn breathing techniques to cope with the traumas of the war. 

This effort is near and dear to the hearts of BreathLogic co-founder Laurie Ellis-Young and her husband, George T. Ellis, Psy.D. who lived and worked in Ukraine from 2016-2021. Laurie and Dr. George wrote much of their internationally award-winning book, Breath Is Life: Taking in and Letting Go, How to Live Well, Love Well and BE Well while there.

To learn more about BreathLogic's ongoing support of Ukrainian psychologists and refugees, click here. 

Our Mission

BreathLogic's mission is to teach Breath Literacy locally and globally, alleviate suffering and expand world peace.

Our Vision

BreathLogic's vision is for humanity to breathe better together and create a world of wellness and peace for all.

What’s Breath Literacy?

Breath Literacy = the wisdom and knowledge of how to breathe optimally, moment by moment, breath by breath, and in circumstances all throughout life.  

Why should we be aware of our breath?

When we are not conscious of our breathing, we tend to breathe in a way that is shallow, rapid, and located in the upper chest. This manner of breathing is conducive to a more stressful, reactive, unhealthy, and unconscious way of living. And this manner of breathing places us at higher risk for illness.  With awareness, we can change and modulate our breath, strengthen our lungs and immune systems, and consciously empower and enhance every aspect of our life. Breathing then becomes a science and an art.

Breath is life and it affects everything we do. It’s a most profound tool for health, growth, and change – and we have access to it anytime, anywhere!

BreathLogic supports the world through The Power of Breath

BreathLogic's Co-Founder, Laurie Ellis-Young and her husband, George T. Ellis, PsyD lived in Ukraine for nearly 5 years before the war. Their deep connection with the country, her people and the psychologists they trained while living there was the inspiration for them to provide support to psychologists and refugees, through online and in-person workshops and trainings. They continue this work today as the war goes on.

Click here to read about the ways they have helped.

Throughout the pandemic, the BreathLogic team helped people suffering from COVID. BreathLogic instructors created a series of free online breath tutorial videos that teach simple, but powerful breathing techniques. They are available on our website and YouTube.  

The BreathLogic team also continues to support local communities, working with nonprofits that serve youth to seniors. 

Your generous donations help us continue to teach others how to 

Live well, Love well, and BE well 

by using the Power of Breath.

Organization Data


Organization name

BreathLogic, Inc.

Tax id (EIN)



Education Health International Children & Family Community


13033 Ridgedale Drive Suite 148
Minnetonka, MN 55305

Social Media