Organization name
Breakthrough Minneapolis at Blake
other names
The Blake School
Tax id (EIN)
511 Kenwood ParkwayMinneapolis, MN 55403
Breakthrough Minneapolis at Blake:
Partnership between Blake School and Minneapolis Public Schools
Breakthrough Minneapolis, hosted at The Blake School and an affiliate of the national Breakthrough Collaborative, began over 20 years ago as a unique public-private partnership with Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) and Blake to tackle the academic opportunity gap faced by historically under-resourced and underserved students.
We do this by providing up to six years of tuition-free, high-quality, academic enrichment and social emotional development programming for students during the summer and on weekends starting in the summer before 7th grade. We simultaneously work to develop a strong and diverse pipeline of future teachers and educational leaders through a hands-on, intensive teaching fellowship experience.
Our Results
As we strive to improve educational outcomes for students in Minneapolis, we know the Breakthrough model is making a difference. Breakthrough students are twice as likely to go to college than their peers, and 70% of Breakthrough students who enter college graduate within six years whereas nationally, only 62% of students (across race and socio-economics) graduate within six years.
We also know that Breakthrough Minneapolis’ intentional efforts to diversify the teacher pipeline can make a difference. We have been successful at recruiting Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) into our teaching fellowship. On average, 65% of our teaching fellows identify as BIPOC (as compared to 6% teachers of color in Minnesota).
Organization name
Breakthrough Minneapolis at Blake
other names
The Blake School
Tax id (EIN)
511 Kenwood Parkway