Breaking Free

A nonprofit organization

$21,544 raised by 82 donors

86% complete

$25,000 Goal

The last year has been one of both transition and transformation for Breaking Free. With generous donors like you, we have been able to reach 303 people and their families as they establish stability and gain renewed hope for their future. With insight from our Board, community, and people we serve, we are also poised to shift our programming to a more responsive model, connecting with people where they are with the help they want. Finally, we have started the bittersweet process of finding new space and saying goodbye to University Avenue after almost 30 years.

In this, what remains unchanged is how essential Breaking Free is, and has been, as a resource and support for survivors of trafficking in our community. Our long-term impact is best illustrated in the words of survivors like Flora, our Community Outreach & Engagement Administrator and former client:  

My name is Flora, and I want to share with you a deeply personal and compelling journey from the depths of darkness to a life of purpose and hope. In my early years, I faced unimaginable challenges and at age of 14, I was thrust into the horrors of human trafficking, robbed of my innocence and forced to navigate a world of unspeakable abuse and exploitation.

At the age of 18, when I first crossed paths with Breaking Free, a ray of hope pierced through the darkness that had engulfed my life for so long. The organization introduced me to a supportive community and planted seeds of hope within me. However, at that point, I wasn't quite ready to water those seeds and let them grow.

I found myself caught in a vicious cycle of abuse, homelessness, and normalized trauma where the prospect of a better life felt like an impossible dream. Everything changed when I was given another chance, and this time, a child was involved. I knew I had to fight not only for my own freedom but also to break the generational curses and traumas that had plagued my family for far too long.

Breaking Free became the cornerstone of hope and freedom. They provided me with supportive housing, comprehensive programming, and unwavering advocacy. I started to see the seeds of hope that had been planted years ago flourish. I gained the tools and skills to reclaim my life and chart a new course. I found my voice and developed a passion to advocate for survivors like me. Breaking Free not only gave me a chance to heal but also ignited a fire within me to break the cycle of abuse and empower others to find their own freedom.

Our community needs Breaking Free! No other organization can reach the people we do, or provide the compassion, care, and understanding that comes with lived experience. We hope you will donate today and help us ensure that people experiencing trafficking will continue to receive the support they need to find hope and freedom.  

For more information visit or follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook @BreakingFree and @BreakingFreeMN

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Organization name

Breaking Free

Tax id (EIN)



Community Humanitarian Aid Emergencies

BIPOC Serving

BIPOC Serving


770 University Ave W
St Paul, MN 55104



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