Organization name
Bonfire Ministry
Tax id (EIN)
7708 62nd Ave. NBrooklyn Park, MN 55428
Bonfire Ministry researched their congregational and surrounding neighborhood community statistics and learned that there was a gap is serving:
1) Elderly
2) Hungry Children
3) Adolescents and their families
Members learned that the NW suburbs of Hennepin County is an area with some of the highest health disparities within Hennepin County. Many families are faced with the decision to purchase food or pay medical bills or rent. Many families are caring for loved ones with chronic health illness and respit help is needed. Youth expressed the desire to congregate across religious platforms and support each other in fun, educational and supportive events.
Bonfire has sparked a fire amongst neighbors to respond to these needs.
Collectively through the Health and Wellness Team, the following objectives have been met:
a) Joint Parish Nurse hired and doing home visits to individuals with chronic illness;
b) Respite and caregiver support groups have been started. Community members are volunteering time during respite and caregivers support sessions;
c) Begain AED/CRP training within congregations and community. To date over 40 individuals have been certified.
d) Partnered with others to provide SPARC community education series, health fairs and marriage wellness sessions with community experts;
e) Conducted blood drives and in the process of working to increase organ donor base within our congregations and communities;
f) Partnered with schools and other faith and community partners to reach out to students within Robbinsdale Area Schools who are hungry on the weekends. Over 3,000 weekend KidPacks snacks are being delivered monthly to students within Robbinsdale Area Schools.
g) Maybe as important as all of the above ... provided additional venues for neighbors to get to know one another, support each other and provide venues to give back to their communities -- creating a greater understanding of each other and a sense of ownership for the community as a whole.
Join us and feel the glow!
Organization name
Bonfire Ministry
Tax id (EIN)
7708 62nd Ave. N