Above and Beyond Limits!
$100 Raised
Beyond Limits is a collaborative partnership venture based at Free Lutheran Bible College that offers a two-year, residential post-secondary Christian campus experience and Beyond Limits life skills certificate for qualified young adult students with developmental disabilities. The program includes a customized selection of audited college classes, independent living skills courses, and on-campus job placement and coaching to gain work skills in Bethany's student work/study program.
Why Is It Needed?
The semi-independent living experience provided by a residential college is an important intermediate step to independent adult living for the students. The need is even more important for young adults who are challenged with a disability. But for many, especially those with developmental disabilities, the opportunity does not exist. Beyond Limits provides young adult students with disabilities the opportunity to live semi-independently in a supportive, faith-based college setting.
Organization name
Beyond Limits
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Faith , Community , Economic Development , Volunteer
Beyond Limits 3134 E Medicine Lake Blvd