Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Grand Marais

A nonprofit organization

6 donors

13% complete

$30,000 Goal

Rooted and Grounded in God's Boundless Love

Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Grand Marais, Minnesota is an ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America), and a non-profit 501(c)3 church. This solar electric project is part of our Creation Care as good and faithful stewards of God’s Earth.  We are all concerned for future generations.  We believe God put us here “to till and keep;” and who would not want to bequeath to future generations an environment with clean air, soil and water?   

We also believe Jesus commanded us to “love one another as I have loved you.”  Moreover, Martin Luther said the full meaning of the Fifth Commandment was “We are to fear and love God so that we neither endanger nor harm the lives of our neighbors, but instead help and support them in all of life’s needs.” (Small Catechism)  

Earth Care and loving our neighbor are connected, especially when we see the effects of changing climate endangering and harming our neighbors in every land.   Our efforts are not just environmental, but always about people, God’s children.  

Bethlehem has been offered a challenge grant to match of $15,000.00 for our solar project to double your donation.  This match from an anonymous donor who loves Bethlehem, and who wants you to know that they are fiscally conservative and of Norwegian descent.  Why would a fiscal conservative do so?  Because solar energy makes sense!  It also makes cents, and more than cents.  We also know that increasing solar energy is part of reducing the use of fossil fuels.  Here at Bethlehem we are getting so much closer to our goal of raising enough money to cover our project, and with this challenge grant we believe we will achieve our goal by year’s end.  Any donation received by December 15, 2021 will be doubled.

Thank you for your love, your faith, and your commitment to God’s world.

Belonging to Christ,

            Sharing Christ on the

                   North Shore and beyond.

Organization Data


Organization name

Bethlehem Lutheran Church - Grand Marais

Tax id (EIN)





PO BOX 638



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