Organization name
Becker County Historical Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Science, Tech & Business , Children & Family
PO Box 622 714 Summit AveDetroit Lakes, MN 56501
You are tomorrow's history. What you know and believe about your world, what you care about and how you live will be recorded for future generations. History is important because people are important. People from the past, present and future, through their stories, possessions, inventions and artifacts speak to the values and progress in communities. They allow us to enter their homes, businesses, organizations, and most importantly their most personal aspects of their lives.
History shows us how we cared about one another and our community, what we thought about those in other communities, how we impacted our environment, and how the environment impacted us physically and economically. How we celebrate the every day and the unusual events in our lives is recorded on paper, in photographs, in technology and in the physical goods reflecting our work and leisure time. Will your Iphone and Ipod appear as strange as the telegraph and the phonograph does today?
History invites us to review the past and allows us, if we agree to it, to embrace the future. What can we learn about our past that helps or hinders our lives today? The museum presents the facts; every visitor has the opportunity to look deeper to determine history's impact on the lives today.
The Becker County Historical Society and Museum is our community's memory. What happens when memory fades or goes away? Why is it that memory only becomes more important with it is lost? With your support we will continue to "Keep History Alive" to enjoy today and future generations to learn and grow from.
Organization name
Becker County Historical Society
Tax id (EIN)
Arts & Culture , Science, Tech & Business , Children & Family
PO Box 622 714 Summit Ave