Organization name
Auroville International USA
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment
PO Box 1534Lodi, CA 95241
Auroville International USA is one of many centers around the world, which all function under the umbrella organization called Auroville International. These centers all help Auroville in similar ways. Representatives from the centers meet annually to make decisions and to exchange information and resources. Auroville International USA actively assists Auroville in its development in many ways, some of which include encouraging cultural and educational exchanges between Auroville and the United States, finding people and organizations in the US who are interested in sponsoring projects in Auroville. Some of these projects include: Securing the physical base for Auroville through land purchase for the city, construction of the Matrimandir and the USA Pavilion, Village Action, alternative education, environmental regeneration, the development of alternative building technologies, and many other projects.
Organization name
Auroville International USA
Tax id (EIN)
Education , Environment
PO Box 1534