Mission: Promote health and harmony in the South Asian community living in Minnesota.
Focus Areas
1. Programs for Seniors, Families & Youth:
- HUM monthly event for seniors,
- Speaker series on YouTube to promote health and harmony in the South Asian (SA) community, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTgOge_nhR25eu7efdlN_0Q/playlists
- Parenting in bi-cultural environment for new SA immigrants,
- Balancing Academics and Life 101 for Youth to manage stress,
- Programs to promote leadership within SA Youth (youth led - non-profits, organizing volunteering opportunities for the SA community, & promote exercise),
- Mental Health Matters to increase awareness and remove stigma associated with mental health in the SA community.
2. Research specific to the SA community living in Minnesota:
- Community Needs Assessment to understand community needs and challenges and align AshaUSA program offerings,
- Youth Mental Health Assessment survey to understand mental health in the SA youth.
3. Education: Increase awareness about South Asian Cultural for community-at-large.
- Presentations to fitness centers, businesses, schools, & healthcare professionals,
- Currently collecting South Asian stories to share our experiences as immigrants with the community at large. Visit our blog: https://desistoriesashausa.com/

We have dedicated board members and volunteers who make help carry on AshaUSA programs.
AshaUSA organization is supported by Dr. Dash Foundation & other generous community members.
We are counting on your continued support.
Thank you.
AshaUSA Board