The AVHS Band Program strives for excellence, and the Band Boosters help make that happen!
Your donations help the Band Boosters provide:
- Enhanced education through guest clinicians, master classes, small ensemble coaches, guest artists, and visiting bands.
- Student recognition through year-end awards ceremony, MMEA/All-State scholarships, and post-secondary scholarships .
- Reduced fees for band trips, solo/ensemble contest registration, dresses and tuxes for upperclassmen, and shirts for new band members.
- Connections with district middle and elementary schools to promote band participation.
- Social events, including Athletic Band dinner/social, Dine-Out for Band Nights, and Burgers & Brats Community Event,
- Safety support through sponsorship of earplugs for musicians .
- Band pride through band spirit wear and concert slideshows.
- Family communication via email, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Band Booster website, and Band Booster meetings.
Student fundraising opportunities for students to offset the cost of the biennial band trip.
Band Boosters support the AVHS Band Directors and ALL of the students
in the band program at Apple Valley High School: Athletic Band,
Concert Band, Symphonic Band, Wind Ensemble, Jazz Bands and multiple other ensembles. We rely on donations of time and money to provide musical enrichment and financial support to the band program. Thank you for your donation!
Note - Banner photo by Paul Allen/Allen Photo Works