Our nonprofit educational organization does anti-racism work through curriculum reform and engaging ALL communities. Our mission is To inspire the Young Minds Of Our Future. We act this out in four primary ways:
Classroom Service: Our Teacher’s Forum subscription service prepares teacher candidates to close testing gaps, reduce suspensions, and create a greater love of classroom education for students; learn more
Media: HD video personal narratives that enhance our articles and preserve our stories. Called the 'Voices That Guide Us,' in 2022, we partnered with the city of the Minnesota Historical Society to digitize 65 more of our old 'tapes' for preservation. Here is one segment that was preserved.
Our Street Team International program went global, collaborating with the American Swedish Institute. It creates a safe place for cross-racial and cross-generational learning about our differences and similarities as human beings. In 2022, we received funding from the Minnesota Humanities Center. Please view our work.
Our Street Team Civics program was launched this summer to engage youth globally and share their feelings about the midterm election and the democratic process.
Journal of The Registry is our annual 'academic white paper.' It was launched in 2020 summer as a catalyst for social change through the advocacy of inclusive justice. Our Fall 2023 Journal theme is BIPOC Educators and a Journey of Impact.
Our Frances McHie Scholarship is in its third year. This opportunity seeks to award small financial grants to individual University of Minnesota School of Nursing students interested in becoming nurses or seeking to advance their nursing education. African American nursing students, non-white students, and first-generation college students are strongly encouraged to apply.
Meet some of the people who make Registry work.

*Thanks to your past support, we are growing because of YOU.
Our Teacher's Forum is in the final proposal discussion with the Minnesota Department of Education to support our state-wide expansion and literacy software! We are in the community with our Street Team and growing tomorrow's healthcare field through diversity with our scholarship.
We rely on generous donors, volunteers, interns, and others to help. This year, we are encouraging you to donate 100.00 or more.
Your donation will help:
- Strengthen our youth programs (Street Team), our curriculum reform service (Teacher's Forum), and video content (Voices That Guide Us) narratives.
- Expand our next Street Team programs to out-state Minnesota.
- Insert our Teacher's Forum service into more Colleges of Education to prepare tomorrow's teachers to be more culturally competent.
- Support the University of Minnesota's Frances McHie Nursing Scholarship (please specify).
We truly hope you'll consider a gift to African American Registry®.
Benjamin Mchie: Founder
P.S. Please consider sending your gift today. Donations to African American Registry are tax-deductible as allowed by law