Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Community
1112 16th St. NW #240Washington, DC 20036
MinnCAN: The Minnesota Campaign for Achievement Now
Prioritizing public education is a defining characteristic of our state and, rightly so, a source of tremendous pride. Our public schools are some of the best in the country, but our achievement gap is a disservice to the next generation of Minnesotans and jeopardizes our collective future. We believe that getting state policy right can transform the way we educate Minnesota's children. Join our movement today at
Launched in January 2011, MinnCAN: The Minnesota Campaign for Achievement Now is an education reform advocacy organization. We are building a movement of Minnesotans dedicated to creating the political will to enact smart public policies to ensure that every Minnesota child has access to a great public school.
MinnCAN goes 3-for-3!
On the eve of the 2011 legislative session, we announced three bold policies to improve public education. With the support of thousands of Minnesotans, like you, we ended the campaign with a perfect score, winning all three goals:
1,7000 voiced the need to restructure the teacher evaluation model so 35 percent of evaluations now include individual student growth data.
1,200 of you signed a petition that helped open alternate paths to getting talented teachers certified and in our classrooms.
We convinced Gov. Dayton to exercise his executive order and link $4 million in scholarship money to the Parent Aware pre-K early childhood rating system.
Minnesotans are expressing a renewed commitment to great public schools:
Building on Our Track Record
This movement is nothing without you. Please help us continue the momentum by making a financial contribution and encouraging your friends to support MinnCAN. Great public schools are everyone's business and we need all hands on deck to continue to make big strides for all Minnesota students. Join our movement and learn more at
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Education, Community
1112 16th St. NW #240