3D Robotics Duluth

A nonprofit organization

$12,255 raised by 53 donors

Who We Are

We are a community-based robotics organization whose mission is to share robotics programming and opportunities with a broad range of students in the Twin Ports area.  We have robotics teams for kids from kindergarten through 12th grade.  We currently support 18+ teams (2 Tech, 6 Challenge, and 10+ Explore), host 2 tournaments, as well as run a variety of summer camps and workshops.

Our programs include:
Explore: grades K-3
Challenge: grades 4-8
Tech: grades 7-12

All program levels teach the fundamentals of STEM.  Students are given the opportunity to learn skills necessary to design, build, and program a robot that is competitive for their age group.  These programs not only teach students how to work with robots, but also teach skills applicable to real life such as communication, critical thinking, documentation, and public speaking.  

Spaceotics qualify for the WAFFLE international tournament at WPI

(June 2024)

Devildogs' 1st Place Promote Video

(MN State Tournament, Feb. 2024)

Our Purpose

Inspire youth to recognize career opportunities in STEM fields,

Engage in Community Outreach,

Provide youth with experience in a project-oriented activity, and

Secure funding for students to participate in robotics competitions and other educational related events.

Organization Data


Organization name

3D Robotics Duluth

other names

Devildog Robotics, Devildogs

Tax id (EIN)



Science, Tech & Business Community


DULUTH, MN 55804