Give to the Max Day 2023

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

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Help PHASE-Industries continue creating meaningful community connections for the people we serve!


raised by 0 people

$5,500 goal

At PHASE-Industries, we believe that every human being has gifts and potential waiting to be unlocked and discovered - that the world, and humanity, flourishes only when each person's gifts are revealed, cultivated, and celebrated. We partner with individuals to build meaningful community connections and help each individual discover, design, and attain their personal life and employment goals.

In the photo above, you'll see an individual that came to us in search of a job with our customized employment supports. The disabilities she lives with were interfering with her ability to attain and hold a job. PHASE-Industries was able to observe her in her everyday life to help her discover her interests and passions, as well as things she didn't prefer. During this process, she also was able to explore options in her local community and further develop work skills while making community connections to find the right job for her. She has now been employed at a job she loves for over two years!

Your donation today empowers an individual in your community the opportunity to create a new connection that could impact their life!

A donation of $25 covers the average cost of organizing one weekly community connection for one of the individuals we partner with.

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