Saint Paul Promise

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Wilder Foundation
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Help Wilder deliver on the promise of opportunity!


raised by 11 people

$10,000 goal

Help Wilder deliver on the promise of opportunity!

This year we invite you to lift up Saint Paul families and DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT by making a gift directly supporting The People's Fellowship, a program of Saint Paul Promise. 

Saint Paul Promise imagines a community that makes a promise of opportunity to ALL children and families.

All gifts will be matched up to $5,000

Financial literacy is a pillar of life that helps families feel safe and whole. The People’s Fellowship (TPF) supports African American families on a journey to build wealth for themselves, their families, and their community. Participants of the program are guided by the Nguzo Saba Principles of Self-Determination (Kujichagulia) and Cooperative Economics (Ujamaa). Throughout the five-month program, family members learn how to boost income while being set on the pathway to building wealth and assets for the future with culture at the center. Since its inception, The People's Fellowship has served nearly 300 parents and children through 10 cohorts.

Take a look at what families in TPF have achieved:


established or built a financial savings cushion


increased their knowledge or ability to reduce debt


in college savings accounts have been created 


in asset savings have been accumulated for families

Gains for one family benefit the community at large.

Saint Paul Promise has set up an emergency assistance fund for current People's Fellowship participants and alumni. Families have been able to access critical support through rent, utility, and vehicle assistance funds. This support has helped families maintain their stability and continue to work towards the wealth and asset building goals they set for themselves.

TPF has distributed $50k in emergency funds to ensure that families could continue to pay for rent, utilities, vehicle assistance, and more.

The People's Fellowship champions families' independent use of resources and ability to self-determine their future. Additionally, access to emergency funds helps bolster the path they are already on. We know that systems change is a worthwhile investment, and your gift makes a real impact on families participating in the fellowship. Consider a donation in direct support of Saint Paul Promise families today!

What is the Saint Paul Promise?

Over a decade ago, parents, students, civic and nonprofit leaders met to address deep disparities facing the Saint Paul community. That work created a community of people and resources who set out to secure the systems, support, and opportunities families deserve on the path to college and career success. Saint Paul Promise is a community-wide effort to ensure all children succeed in school and life through seamless coordination of cradle-to-career educational, family, and community supports. 

Learn more about Saint Paul Promise programs right here.

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