Inquiring Systems Inc

A nonprofit organization

10 donors

Changing the game: The REDLine Human Performance Project

Character-focused athletic excellence: performance that stands out from the crowd while exhibiting a competitive spirit that both inspires and enriches. That's what we mean when we say "Be Remarkable".

The REDLine Human Performance Project (RHPP) brings together a purposeful integration of sports science disciplines with cutting-edge performance and recovery technologies rarely available to the citizen-athlete. Built upon the triad of training, recovery and measurement, we provide a system, an environment that is a unique experience in the world of athlete development. 

The RHPP has three main objectives:

  1. To provide support to emerging elite through world class athletes
  2. To create merit-based and need-based programs and environments that foster character-focused athletic excellence
  3. To be a primary educational resource of training, injury prevention and recovery techniques that promote life-long athletic participation at a high level
As part of the effort to achieve the above objectives, we are seeking support to build a large training facility that will serve as a base for team-based training experiences, host training methodology workshops and  seminars, and a hybrid research lab/advanced training area as well as advanced recovery tools available to the public. Through this and related facilities along with an array of outreach programs, RHPP aims to restore the role of training to its proper place in the athletic continuum. We believe this to be an extremely important measure for not only performance enhancement but injury recovery affecting emerging elite and casual athletes alike.

Organization Data


Organization name

Inquiring Systems Inc

Tax id (EIN)



Science, Tech & Business


c/o 1524 Woodlane Dr
Woodbury, MN 55125



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