Compass Center for Healing

A nonprofit organization

Finding New directions in Healing

The Compass Center is a place from which one can explore new directions in healing. It provides access to many forms of alternative and traditional health care in the hope of encouraging dialog, education, community partnerships, and innovative research. The mission of the Center is to further healing in sustainable and lasting ways through a deeper understanding of ourselves and our universe.

Practitioners who participate with the Center embrace the idea that healing is a natural and innate process which occurs when the proper conditions are provided. By removing barriers and treating the causes of disease, the path to self-healing is opened.

Fundamental to this is the concept that individuals are more than the sum of their parts. Individuals who wish to direct their own therapy will find resources at the Center which can assist them in understanding and treating not only physical symptoms, but the emotional, psychological, spiritual and social components of of imbalance as well.

As an integrated network of like-minded professionals, patients, seekers, and believers in a new model of healing, the Center encourages not just the prevention of illness, but the celebration of life, beauty, an open heart, and cross-cultural wisdom traditions.

Organization Data


Organization name

Compass Center for Healing

Tax id (EIN)





STILLWATER, MN 55082-5116



Social Media